
Vakavia keskusteluja isoista asioista - tiede, talous, politiikka, uskonto, yhteiskunnalliset asiat. Ei onelinereitä/puzznuzzia.
Viestit: 18776
Liittynyt: 15.08.2005 3:14
Paikkakunta: Hell


Viesti Kirjoittaja Niba »

Nyt sitten syöttämään korttitietoja? NOT. ... c3490b26df
Pyyhin Netikettiin..
Viestit: 18776
Liittynyt: 15.08.2005 3:14
Paikkakunta: Hell

Re: Nettihuijaukset

Viesti Kirjoittaja Niba »


My Dearest One,
I must start by expressing my gratitude for finding time to
write me, because i know that appreciation is the highest form of
prayer, for it acknowledges the presence of good wherever we shine the
light of our thankful thoughts, but there are realities we share,
regardless of our nationality, language, or individual tastes, and as
we all need food, so do we need emotional nourishment, love, kindness,
appreciation, and support from others.

I am Miss Laura Moris from South Sudan, My late Father was
Brigadier General Moris Marac Akoon was assassinated while heading
to Yei to replace the Brigadier General Peter Tut who led a rebellion
with some of the forces under his command on January 4, following
similar defections in Jonglei, Unity and Upper Nile state, members of
parliament at South Sudan National Legislative Assembly, said the way
the my Late Father was killed indicated that the attack was a planned
assassination, because the was no fighting at that time. It was a
surprise planned attack.

I will like to inform you that if you will help me to relocate to your
country with the substance that i inherited from my Late father, I
have an amount the sum of £4.5m which i will like to invest, but my
only problem is that I don’t have idea of any lucrative business.

The obvious reason why I contacted you is that you are to advise and
invest this money to lucrative business because i have no business
experience for now, but if you accept to help me i will forward to you
the necessary details for you to confirm, and it is my intention to
compensate you with 30% of the total money for your assistance and you
will also invest the rest of the money in any lucrative business you
know, please all communications for now should be through this email
address only for confidential purposes.

As soon as I receive your positive response showing your interest I
will put things into action immediately, I shall appreciate an urgent
message indicating your ability and willingness to handle this
transaction sincerely, awaiting your urgent and positive response,
Please do keep this only to yourself please i beg you not to disclose
it till i come over, once the fund has been transferred.

I hope to hear from you soon, i am giving all this details information
with every transparency and hoping that you find a place in your heart
to save me from this life torture.Kindly supply me your In formations
so that we can proceed.

Yours Full Names........................................
Yours Full Address......................................
Yours Real Age..........................................
Yours Photo ............................................
Yours Phone And Fax.....................................
Yours Occupation........................................
Yours Nationality.......................................

I still hope to hear from you again,
Pyyhin Netikettiin..
Ylermi Ylihankala
Viestit: 14949
Liittynyt: 22.09.2008 13:03

Re: Nettihuijaukset

Viesti Kirjoittaja Ylermi Ylihankala »

Oilisi kiva, kun avaat asiakeskusteluihin uuden ketjun, niin pumppaisit, niba, itseesi sen verran älyllistä toimeliaisuutta, että pelkän linkkaamisen sijaan alustaisit asiaasi ja avaisit vaikka omaa näkökulmaasi. Nämä ovat, niba hyvä, melkoisia tuhnuja tällaisenaan, eikä oikein innosta vastaamaan.
Mulla on se onni, että olen löytänyt itseni ja toivon muillekin ihmisille sitä. Että tällainen ihminen on tarkoitettu tänne, me ei olla sattumaa.
Viestit: 18776
Liittynyt: 15.08.2005 3:14
Paikkakunta: Hell

Re: Nettihuijaukset

Viesti Kirjoittaja Niba »

Pyyhin Netikettiin..