Päivän linkki
- Kitisijä
- Viestit: 24118
- Liittynyt: 15.08.2005 8:41
Re: Päivän linkki
"Vetäkää käteen, minä maksan" Bluntismi 2006.
- Kitisijä
- Viestit: 1177
- Liittynyt: 30.10.2005 14:31
- Paikkakunta: Helsinki
Re: Päivän linkki
100 years of Big Content fearing technology—in its own words
It's almost a truism in the tech world that copyright owners reflexively oppose new inventions that do (or might) disrupt existing business models. But how many techies actually know what rightsholders have said and written for the last hundred years on the subject?
So here they are, in their own words—the copyright holders who demanded restrictions on player pianos, photocopiers, VCRs, home taping, DAT, MP3 players, Napster, the DVR, digital radio, and digital TV.
Unfortunately, though, as we look over the statements above, the total result of this resistance to new technology is clear: it limits (or attempts to limit) innovation.
Copyright expert William Patry put it strongly at the conclusion of his new book, Moral Panics and the Copyright Wars, writing, "I cannot think of a single significant innovation in either the creation or distribution of works of authorship that owes its origins to the copyright industries."
The great irony of these debates is that most new devices become popular only because buyers really want them, which means they open whole new markets that can then be monetized by rightsholders.
Life is complex, it has real and imaginary parts.
- Kitisijä
- Viestit: 1177
- Liittynyt: 30.10.2005 14:31
- Paikkakunta: Helsinki
Re: Päivän linkki
Sovellettu fysiikka on tunnettu siitä, että se haastaa säännöllisesti perustansa, joille se on rakennettu. Tyypillinen esimerkki tästä on Einsteinin yleinen suhteellisuusteoria, joka on yksi tärkeimmistä tieteellisistä teorioista ja siitä huolimatta ehkä kaikista useimmiten tieteellisesti testattu. Mikään tieteellinen teoria ei voi olla niin pyhä (AGW?), etteikö sitä voisi ja saisi haastaa tieteellisesti, right.
Miksi sitten haastaa omat tieteelliset olettamukset? Jos havainnot tukevat vallitsevaa teoriaa - WIN, jos taas havainnot eivät tue vallitsevaa teoriaa, vaan pääset parantamaan tai jopa rakentamaan jotain uutta ja parempaa teoriaa - WIN. Eli WIN-WIN.
Mutta nyt yleinen suhteellisuusteoria ei enää sovikaan havaintoaineistoon...
A New Challenge to Einstein?
Miksi sitten haastaa omat tieteelliset olettamukset? Jos havainnot tukevat vallitsevaa teoriaa - WIN, jos taas havainnot eivät tue vallitsevaa teoriaa, vaan pääset parantamaan tai jopa rakentamaan jotain uutta ja parempaa teoriaa - WIN. Eli WIN-WIN.
Mutta nyt yleinen suhteellisuusteoria ei enää sovikaan havaintoaineistoon...
A New Challenge to Einstein?
So here is a new such test, courtesy of Rachel Bean of Cornell. She combines a suite of cosmological data, especially measurements of weak gravitational lensing from the Hubble Space Telescope, to see whether GR correctly describes the behavior of large-scale structure in the universe. And the surprising thing is — it doesn’t. At the 98% confidence level, Rachel finds that general relativity is inconsistent with the data.
But that doesn’t mean that you ignore anomalies; you just treat them with caution. Given 1:1 odds, that’s certainly where the smart money would bet right now. Happily, it’s an empirical question — more data and more analysis will either reinforce the result, or make it go away. After all, some anomalies turn out to be frighteningly real. This one is worth taking seriously, to say the least.
Life is complex, it has real and imaginary parts.
Re: Päivän linkki
"For one year Kristoffer Clausen will try to survive in the Norwegian wilderness only on what he will hunt, fish or find of edible plants/berries in the nature. One year in the wild is the title of his project. Equipped only with his sleeping bag, hunting rifle/shotgun, fishing gear, and some outdoors equipment he will have to make his own shelters if he want’s roof over his head and he will have to find his own food."
- Kitisijä
- Viestit: 6737
- Liittynyt: 01.07.2005 21:12
- Paikkakunta: Uleåborg
Re: Päivän linkki
Tasan ei mene muumit kanootissa.
- Kitisijä
- Viestit: 1177
- Liittynyt: 30.10.2005 14:31
- Paikkakunta: Helsinki
Re: Päivän linkki
How to Create a Black Hole on a Lab Bench
In a lab in Nanjing, China, two researchers are mucking about with what could be called the world’s first artificial black hole.
The researchers, Qiang Cheng and Tie Jun Cui, haven’t created a doomsday device, but rather a nifty experiment that harnesses the strange properties of metamaterials.
Physicists have already learned how to steer light around an object within a metamaterial to create an invisibility cloak…. Now Qiang and Tie have created a metamaterial that distorts space so severely that light entering it (in this case microwaves) cannot escape [Technology Review]
“I expect that our demonstration of the optical black hole will be available by the end of 2009,”
Life is complex, it has real and imaginary parts.
- Kitisijä
- Viestit: 1177
- Liittynyt: 30.10.2005 14:31
- Paikkakunta: Helsinki
Re: Päivän linkki
Live Streaming links for Climate Movie: Not Evil, Just Wrong

WASHINGTON, Oct. 16 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Fewer than 50 hours from the 8 pm EDT Sunday launch of Not Evil Just Wrong — set to be the world’s largest simultaneous film premiere party in history — the documentary’s co-creators today announced options for people across the globe to watch it FREE over the internet. Live links follow.
In addition to the thousands of individual DVD/theatrical premiere parties being hosted across the nation (map available here), the documentary will also be streamed live over the Internet — accessed for free by anyone who visits the site. Not Evil Just Wrong will also be available on several Internet domains to ensure bandwidth sufficient to handle the expected massive interest in the documentary.
Relevant links and information are included below.
What: World premiere of Not Evil Just Wrong
When: Sunday, 8:00 PM EDT; panel discussion with Andrew Breitbart, John Fund, Prof. Richard Lindzen, and Prof. Don Roberts Emeritus to immediately follow.
Where: One of hundreds of premiere sites across the country (and thousands around the world)
Live Streams:
To Participate:
– Twitter: http://twitter.com/Not_Evil
– Facebook: http://facebook.com/noteviljustwrong/
– YouTube (just send us a message with your attached video):

WASHINGTON, Oct. 16 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Fewer than 50 hours from the 8 pm EDT Sunday launch of Not Evil Just Wrong — set to be the world’s largest simultaneous film premiere party in history — the documentary’s co-creators today announced options for people across the globe to watch it FREE over the internet. Live links follow.
In addition to the thousands of individual DVD/theatrical premiere parties being hosted across the nation (map available here), the documentary will also be streamed live over the Internet — accessed for free by anyone who visits the site. Not Evil Just Wrong will also be available on several Internet domains to ensure bandwidth sufficient to handle the expected massive interest in the documentary.
Relevant links and information are included below.
What: World premiere of Not Evil Just Wrong
When: Sunday, 8:00 PM EDT; panel discussion with Andrew Breitbart, John Fund, Prof. Richard Lindzen, and Prof. Don Roberts Emeritus to immediately follow.
Where: One of hundreds of premiere sites across the country (and thousands around the world)
Live Streams:
To Participate:
– Twitter: http://twitter.com/Not_Evil
– Facebook: http://facebook.com/noteviljustwrong/
– YouTube (just send us a message with your attached video):
Life is complex, it has real and imaginary parts.
- Kitisijä
- Viestit: 1177
- Liittynyt: 30.10.2005 14:31
- Paikkakunta: Helsinki
Re: Päivän linkki
Ehkäpä halpa fuusioenergia ei olekkaan enää "jatkuvasti" 50 vuoden päässä ...
LPP’s Newly Assembled DPF Achieves First Shots and Pinch
LPP’s Newly Assembled DPF Achieves First Shots and Pinch
The baby is born! After seven years of theoretical work and raising money, five months of design, five months of construction and assembly, and a week of testing, LPP now has a functioning dense plasma focus, Focus-Fusion-1. The first shot, using helium as the fill gas, was achieved at 5:29 PM today, Oct.15, and the first pinch was achieved at 6:04 PM on the second shot.
The first shots represent the first in a series of shots that will be taken along the road to demonstrate the scientific feasibility of Focus Fusion as a net source of clean, abundant, cheap energy. The machine is still in the initial phase of fine tuning and “conditioning”. In addition, we need to locate a leak in the vacuum system in order to pump down to our goal of a few microtorrs before re-filling with deuterium. Finally, we still need to put in place all our instruments, several of which must also be assembled. We hope to complete all this shortly and be ready to start data collection.
Life is complex, it has real and imaginary parts.
- Kitisijä
- Viestit: 6737
- Liittynyt: 01.07.2005 21:12
- Paikkakunta: Uleåborg
- Kitisijä
- Viestit: 10702
- Liittynyt: 15.08.2005 15:07
- Paikkakunta: Helsinki
Re: Päivän linkki
Noi muuten näyttää vähän samalta, kuin jos kääntäisit etanan ylösalaisin?aasi kirjoitti:Pilluriipuksia
The great club outshines the individual, always and forever.
Re: Päivän linkki
Entä haju?Elppis kirjoitti:Noi muuten näyttää vähän samalta, kuin jos kääntäisit etanan ylösalaisin?aasi kirjoitti:Pilluriipuksia
- Kitisijä
- Viestit: 10702
- Liittynyt: 15.08.2005 15:07
- Paikkakunta: Helsinki
Re: Päivän linkki
Etanat tuoksuu mullalle mun mielestäNuoriD kirjoitti:Entä haju?Elppis kirjoitti:Noi muuten näyttää vähän samalta, kuin jos kääntäisit etanan ylösalaisin?aasi kirjoitti:Pilluriipuksia

The great club outshines the individual, always and forever.
- Kitisijä
- Viestit: 10702
- Liittynyt: 15.08.2005 15:07
- Paikkakunta: Helsinki
Re: Päivän linkki
Sulla on epähygieninen nainen.exPertti kirjoitti:Miltä nyt riippuva silakka haisee?
The great club outshines the individual, always and forever.
- Kitisijä
- Viestit: 1177
- Liittynyt: 30.10.2005 14:31
- Paikkakunta: Helsinki
Re: Päivän linkki
The full video of the speech is available of Lord Christopher Monckton speaking on October 14th, 2009 at a climate skeptic event sponsored by the Minnesota Free Market Institute:
Pitkä esitelmä, kestää 1 tunnin ja 35 minuuttia, ja sen kanssa kannattaa seurata samanaikaisest esitelmän kalvoja (174 sivua), koska esityksen aikana siihen viitataan useasti, mutta ei koskaan näytetä.
Pitkä esitelmä, kestää 1 tunnin ja 35 minuuttia, ja sen kanssa kannattaa seurata samanaikaisest esitelmän kalvoja (174 sivua), koska esityksen aikana siihen viitataan useasti, mutta ei koskaan näytetä.
Life is complex, it has real and imaginary parts.
- Kitisijä
- Viestit: 6737
- Liittynyt: 01.07.2005 21:12
- Paikkakunta: Uleåborg
- Kitisijä
- Viestit: 6737
- Liittynyt: 01.07.2005 21:12
- Paikkakunta: Uleåborg
Re: Päivän linkki
Tasan ei mene muumit kanootissa.
- Kitisijä
- Viestit: 1177
- Liittynyt: 30.10.2005 14:31
- Paikkakunta: Helsinki
Re: Päivän linkki
Richard S. Lindzen and Yong-Sang Choi
"On the determination of climate feedbacks from ERBE data"
GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, VOL. 36, L16705, doi:10.1029/2009GL039628, 2009
Tietokonemallit vs todellisuus:

Kuvan lähde: Monckton 2009
"On the determination of climate feedbacks from ERBE data"
GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, VOL. 36, L16705, doi:10.1029/2009GL039628, 2009
Tietokonemallit vs todellisuus:

Kuvan lähde: Monckton 2009
Life is complex, it has real and imaginary parts.
- Kitisijä
- Viestit: 1177
- Liittynyt: 30.10.2005 14:31
- Paikkakunta: Helsinki
Re: Päivän linkki
Science is about simplicity
Dr. Bob Carter kirjoitti:In an Australian variation of this, Greg Combet, assistant to climate Minister Penny Wong, earlier this year asserted with blatant inaccuracy that “we use only peer reviewed science and our opposition doesn’t”. Other IPCC sycophants phrase it slightly differently, such as: “if you climate sceptics had a scientific point of view it would have been published in reputable, peer-reviewed journals“.
Statements such as these all reflect a fundamental lack of understanding about the way that science works.
If you accept at face value questions and comments like the ones enumerated above, you fall into a carefully laid climate alarmist trap. For the question “why are there no papers in peer-reviewed journals that disprove the hypothesis of dangerous human-caused global warming” is predicated, as is all related IPCC writing, on faulty science logic; specifically, it erects a wrong null hypothesis.
Scientists erect hypotheses to test based upon the fundamental science assumption of parsimony, or simplicity, sometimes grandly referred to as Occam’s Razor. That is to say, in seeking to explain matters of observation or experiment, a primary underlying principle is that the simplest explanation be sought; extraneous or complicating factors of interpretation, such as “extraterrestrials did it”, are only invoked when substantive evidence exists for such a complication.
Concerning the climate change that we observe around us today – which, importantly, is occurring at similar rates and magnitudes to that known to have occurred throughout the historical and geological past – the simplest (and therefore null) hypothesis, is that “the climate change observed today is natural unless and until evidence accrues otherwise”.
In regard to which, first, no such evidence has emerged. And, second, like any null hypothesis, that about modern climate change is there to be tested, as it has been. There are literally tens of thousands of peer-reviewed papers in major scientific journals that contain observations, data, experiments and theoretical reasoning that are consistent with the null hypothesis, which has therefore yet to be falsified (but, of course, one day might be).
To give a clue how hard that task is, note that since 1988 (when the IPCC was created) western nations have spent more than $100 billion, and employed thousands of scientists, in attempts to measure the human signal in the global temperature record. The search has failed. Though no scientist doubts that humans influence climate at local level – causing both warmings (urban heat island effect) and coolings (land-use changes) – no definitive evidence has yet been discovered that a human influence is measurable, let alone dangerous, at global level. Rather, the human signal is lost in the noise of natural climate variation.
Life is complex, it has real and imaginary parts.
- Kitinän uhri
- Viestit: 765
- Liittynyt: 14.08.2005 19:20
- Paikkakunta: Kotka
Re: Päivän linkki
http://www.iltasanomat.fi/uutiset/ulkom ... id=1745769
Sukelluspaatti joka pinnalla ollessaan kulkee jopa 80km/h
Milloinkahan näitä löytyy Suomesta?
Sukelluspaatti joka pinnalla ollessaan kulkee jopa 80km/h
Milloinkahan näitä löytyy Suomesta?
Re: Päivän linkki
Totuus on tarua ihmeellisempää: "kultamuna" termi todella löytyy "virallisesta" maahanmuutoaineistosta.
http://www.mol.fi/mol/fi/99_pdf/fi/04_m ... _esite.pdf
Olen luullut, että "kultamuna" on vain J H-a:n keksimä termi.
http://www.mol.fi/mol/fi/99_pdf/fi/04_m ... _esite.pdf
Olen luullut, että "kultamuna" on vain J H-a:n keksimä termi.
- Kitisijä
- Viestit: 3760
- Liittynyt: 09.04.2008 10:49
- Paikkakunta: Häslinki
Re: Päivän linkki
Tuo olisi kyllä tosi vänkä Suomessa. Veneillessähän pitää olla pelastusliivit, joten sukeltaessa ainakin matkustajat jäisivät kaiketi pinnalle kuin korkit. Kuski voisi ehkä jatkaa remeleissään matkaa pinnan allakin, ainakin niin kauan kun jaksaa pidätellä hengitystään.Jyrki73 kirjoitti:http://www.iltasanomat.fi/uutiset/ulkom ... id=1745769
Sukelluspaatti joka pinnalla ollessaan kulkee jopa 80km/h
Milloinkahan näitä löytyy Suomesta?
Onko joku pissinyt mun muroihin?
Re: Päivän linkki
kitinä jumii
Viimeksi muokannut Kai Nalo, 28.10.2009 10:05. Yhteensä muokattu 1 kertaa.
Re: Päivän linkki
kitinä jumii
Viimeksi muokannut Kai Nalo, 28.10.2009 10:05. Yhteensä muokattu 1 kertaa.
- Kitisijä
- Viestit: 1177
- Liittynyt: 30.10.2005 14:31
- Paikkakunta: Helsinki
Re: Päivän linkki
Lindzenin pitämän esitelmän powerpoint kalvot:
The Cooler Heads Coalition hosted Dr. Richard S. Lindzen, the Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Meteorology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Video of Dr. Lindzen’s presentation, “Deconstructing Global Warming,” will be available shortly.
Lindzen: Deconstructing global warming
The Cooler Heads Coalition hosted Dr. Richard S. Lindzen, the Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Meteorology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Video of Dr. Lindzen’s presentation, “Deconstructing Global Warming,” will be available shortly.
Lindzen: Deconstructing global warming
Page 33 kirjoitti:The argument makes arguments in support of intelligent design sound rigorous by comparison. It constitutes a rejection of scientific logic, while widely put forward as being ‘demanded’ by science
Page 48 kirjoitti:We see that for models, the uncertainty in radiative fluxes makes it impossible to pin down the precise sensitivity because they are so close to unstable ‘regeneration.’ This, however, is not the case for the actual climate system where the sensitivity is about 0.5C for a doubling of CO2. From the brief SST record, we see that fluctuations of that magnitude occur all the time.
Page 49 kirjoitti:What we see is that the very foundation of the issue of global warming is wrong.
Life is complex, it has real and imaginary parts.