James Potkukelkka kirjoitti: 21.11.2019 8:49
Toisaalta puolustan Yhdysvaltoja siinä, että kun jotain oikeasti pitää tehdä, Yhdysvallat on ainoa länsimaa, joka pystyy toimimaan. Esim. Serbian pommitukset, Ruandan kansanmurha.
Anteeksi mutta mitä yhdysvallat teki Ruandassa, muuta kuin pyöritteli käsiään ja itseasiassa eskaloi tilanteen syntyä?
During this period, officials at the US embassy in Kampala knew that weapons were crossing the border, and the CIA knew that the rebels’ growing military strength was escalating ethnic tensions within Rwanda to such a degree that hundreds of thousands of Rwandans might die in widespread ethnic violence. However, Washington not only ignored Uganda’s assistance to the Rwandan rebels, it also ramped up military and development aid to Museveni and then hailed him as a peacemaker once the genocide was underway.
The hatred the Hutu génocidaires unleashed represents the worst that human beings are capable of, but in considering what led to this disaster, it is important to bear in mind that the violence was not spontaneous. It emerged from a century or more of injustice and brutality on both sides, and although the génocidaires struck back against innocents, they were provoked by heavily armed rebels supplied by Uganda, while the US looked on.
US officials knew that Museveni was not honouring his promise to court martial RPF leaders. The US was monitoring Ugandan weapons shipments to the RPF in 1992, but instead of punishing Museveni, western donors including the US doubled aid to his government and allowed his defence spending to balloon to 48% of Uganda’s budget, compared with 13% for education and 5% for health, even as Aids was ravaging the country. In 1991, Uganda purchased 10 times more US weapons than in the preceding 40 years combined.
In the years that followed, Bill Clinton apologised numerous times for the US’s inaction during the genocide. “If we’d gone in sooner, I believe we could have saved at least a third of the lives that were lost,
https://www.theguardian.com/news/2017/s ... n-genocide
Muualta lainaus:
In the US, President Bill Clinton and US Ambassador to the UN Madeleine Albright repeatedly refused to take action.[26] US government documents declassified in 2004 indicate the Clinton administration knew Rwanda was being engulfed by genocide in April 1994, but buried the information to justify its inaction. Senior US officials privately used the word genocide within 16 days of the start of the killings, but chose not to do so publicly because Clinton had already decided not to intervene.
Intelligence reports obtained using the US Freedom of Information Act show the cabinet and almost certainly the president had been told of a planned "final solution to eliminate all Tutsis" before the slaughter reached its peak.[27]
Clinton and Albright would both later expressed regret for their inaction. Clinton provided major funding for the Rwandan genocide memorial in Kigali, and visited Rwanda in 1998 and 2005. He apologized both times, and "expressed regret for what he says was his 'personal failure' to prevent the slaughter of an estimated 800,000 people there in 1994."[28] He has attempted amends by sponsoring initiatives to help rebuild Rwanda through the Clinton Foundation.
In 2001 the government of the United States declassified documents, which confirm the attitude of the United States of not having taken into account the reality of the situation starting in January 1994.[29]
Kerrotko miten USA toimi siellä niin, että heidän osuus kannattaa mainita?
Good human, but sometimes if needed, a bad citizen.